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I've often found myself working on vocal reels for voice actors or other smaller projects, sometimes in association with educational settings. A few of these projects are showcased below.
The Ice Baby

As part of a collaborative storytelling project, several groups of creators were involved in creating and executing a full one-act production of a fable, 
The Ice Baby. Each of us told the same tale in different ways. I decided that the best way to produce this fable was to invite the audience to story time. We led the project with two strong narrators effectively "reading" the story. Then we used a projected background to simulate a storybook, which turned pages as the show progressed. The voices here have a warmer, bigger sound to them, reminiscent of the film trick of making narrational voices seem more "magical" in nature.

The show itself became a compilation of live vocals, pre-recorded soundeffects, and voice-overs all programmed in Q-Lab to execute in the space. The only way to hear it all together is through the recording shown here. The sound effects were all mixed together in ProTools editing software, but the recording came from a Sony Professional Video Camera during the actual performance of our one-act production.


Radio Commercials

When it comes to radio commercials, the audience can't see anything at all. Every sound, every choice, made the visual stronger for them. I was honored to work with two very talented MFA Actors, Jessica Jain and Donald Watkins, on this project.

All the sounds for these commercials were either live recordings or found sound effects, which were then loaded into the ProTools audio editing program and transformed into the commercials here.

Dove "Real Beauty" Commercial                                     Skinny Cow Commercial

Jessica Jain

Donald Watkins

Coca Cola Commercial (Spanish)                                Jeep Altitude Commercial

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