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With Smell of the Kill the name of the game was Foley work. 


The show was focused around a very realistic, industrialized kitchen. As a group the production team decided that artificial sounds coming over the speaker system would just sound wrong in that kind of space. So instead we made every sound onstage or backstage live through Foley, a few practicals, and a little bit of imagination. We made the sounds of Doors Slamming, an Intercom, a Baby Crying, Loud Smashes, Cats Yowling, Rattling Locks, and Gunfire.

Amanda Schmidt uses a cardboard tube to re-modulate her voice, creating the illusion of an intercom.

A Sounding Box was used to create the sounds of doors slamming, crashes, and loud bangs. Different implements were used to strike the box (Hammers, Fists, Clipboards, etc.) to produce different timbres.

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